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Santa Rosa De Lima Frase: A Tribute To The Patron Saint Of The Americas

Posted by La Historia De Caín Y Abel Resumida on Rabu, 07 Juni 2023

Santa Rosa de Lima Patrona del Nuevo Mundo Frases e imágenes nuevas
Santa Rosa de Lima Patrona del Nuevo Mundo Frases e imágenes nuevas from ideasnuevas.net


Santa Rosa de Lima, also known as Isabel Flores de Oliva, was a Peruvian Roman Catholic and a member of the Third Order of Saint Dominic. She is considered the first saint from the Americas, and her feast day is celebrated on August 23. Her life and works have inspired many, and her phrases have become popular among the faithful.

Who Was Santa Rosa de Lima?

Born in Lima, Peru, in 1586, Santa Rosa de Lima was the daughter of a Spanish soldier and a Peruvian mother. She was known for her piety and devotion to God from an early age. She consecrated herself to Christ at the age of 20 and became a Dominican tertiary, dedicating her life to prayer, penance, and the care of the sick and the poor.

Popular Santa Rosa de Lima Frases

Santa Rosa de Lima is known for her wise and inspiring phrases that have been shared and passed down over the centuries. Some of her most popular frases include:

"Todo lo que pasa, pasa por algo." (Everything happens for a reason.)

"El que mucho se humilla, será exaltado." (He who humbles himself will be exalted.)

"El amor con amor se paga." (Love begets love.)

Santa Rosa de Lima Frase: "Siempre adelante, nunca atrás"

One of the most famous Santa Rosa de Lima frases is "Siempre adelante, nunca atrás" (Always forward, never backward). This frase reflects her strong determination to follow God's will and to never give up on her mission. She faced many challenges and obstacles in her life, but she persevered with faith and courage. Her frase has become a source of inspiration and motivation for many who seek to overcome their own difficulties and setbacks.

Santa Rosa de Lima Frase: "Si el mundo supiera el valor de la Santa Misa, moriría de amor"

Another powerful Santa Rosa de Lima frase is "Si el mundo supiera el valor de la Santa Misa, moriría de amor" (If the world knew the value of the Holy Mass, it would die of love). This frase highlights the profound importance of the Eucharist in the life of a Christian. Santa Rosa de Lima was known for her great devotion to the Holy Eucharist, and she would spend hours in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.


Santa Rosa de Lima continues to be an inspiration to many people around the world. Her life and works remind us of the importance of faith, prayer, and service to others. Her frases are a testament to her wisdom, humility, and devotion to God. Let us honor her memory and follow her example of love and compassion for all.

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