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Leon Gieco Para La Vida Letra: A Song For Life

Posted by La Historia De Caín Y Abel Resumida on Minggu, 04 Juni 2023

Frases de un Grande [León Gieco]+ Yapa Offtopic Taringa!
Frases de un Grande [León Gieco]+ Yapa Offtopic Taringa! from www.taringa.net


Leon Gieco is a legendary Argentine singer-songwriter known for his socially conscious lyrics and activism. One of his most popular songs is "Para la Vida," which translates to "For Life." In this article, we will explore the lyrics and meaning of this powerful song.

Verse 1

The song begins with the lines, "Hoy cerraron otra fabrica, la gente se quedo sin trabajo" which means "Today another factory closed, people were left without work." This verse highlights the economic struggles faced by many in Argentina and serves as a call to action to address the issue.

Verse 2

In the second verse, Gieco sings, "La vida no es la que uno vivio, sino la que uno recuerda y como la recuerda para contarla." This translates to "Life is not what one lived, but rather what one remembers and how one remembers it to tell it." This lyric encourages listeners to reflect on their experiences and share them with others.


The chorus of the song is a powerful call to action, urging listeners to "luchar por la vida" or "fight for life." This message resonates with many Argentines who have faced economic hardship and political instability.

Verse 3

The third verse of the song focuses on the theme of solidarity, with Gieco singing, "La vida es un camino al que hay que darle, no lo que uno tiene sino lo que uno lleva." This means "Life is a path to which one must give, not what one has but what one carries." This lyric emphasizes the importance of empathy and compassion for others.

Verse 4

The fourth verse of the song touches on the theme of hope, with Gieco singing, "La vida es una sola y hay que vivirla, hay que dejar algo para que no sea solo una ida." This translates to "Life is only one and we must live it, we must leave something so that it is not just a one-way journey." This lyric encourages listeners to find purpose and meaning in their lives.


The bridge of the song features a spoken-word section, with Gieco reciting a poem about the power of music to bring people together. This section adds depth and complexity to the song, highlighting Gieco's poetic sensibilities.

Verse 5

The fifth verse of the song returns to the theme of economic struggles, with Gieco singing, "La vida es un privilegio, no hay que olvidarlo, la gente no come con los discursos, come con el trabajo." This means "Life is a privilege, we must not forget it, people do not eat with speeches, they eat with work." This lyric is a reminder of the importance of economic justice and fair labor practices.

Chorus (Refrain)

The chorus of the song is repeated, emphasizing the message of fighting for life and standing in solidarity with others.


In conclusion, "Para la Vida" is a powerful song that speaks to the struggles and aspirations of many Argentines. Its themes of economic justice, solidarity, and hope are universal and resonate with listeners around the world. As we continue to navigate the challenges of the 21st century, Gieco's message of fighting for life remains as relevant as ever.

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