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Un Soneto Me Manda Hacer Violante: A Classic Spanish Poem

Posted by La Historia De Caín Y Abel Resumida on Kamis, 18 Mei 2023

"Un me manda hacer Violante", Lope de Vega (Madrid, 1562
"Un me manda hacer Violante", Lope de Vega (Madrid, 1562 from www.pinterest.com

The Background of the Poem

Un Soneto Me Manda Hacer Violante is a classic Spanish poem that was written by Lope de Vega in the 16th century. The poem is about a young man named Fabio who is tasked by his lover, Violante, to write a sonnet. The poem is a great representation of the Spanish Renaissance, which was a period of great cultural growth and artistic expression.

The Structure of the Poem

The poem is a sonnet, which is a 14-line poem that is written in iambic pentameter. The poem is divided into two parts, the octave (the first eight lines) and the sestet (the last six lines). The octave presents a problem or a question, while the sestet provides a resolution or an answer.

The Meaning of the Poem

The poem is a great representation of the Spanish Renaissance, which was a period of great cultural growth and artistic expression. The poem is about a young man named Fabio who is tasked by his lover, Violante, to write a sonnet. The poem is a great representation of the Spanish Renaissance, which was a period of great cultural growth and artistic expression.

The First Four Lines

The first four lines of the poem are as follows: Un soneto me manda hacer Violante, en mi vida me he visto en tal aprieto; catorce versos dicen que es soneto, burla burlando van los tres delante. These lines translate to: Violante has tasked me with writing a sonnet, I’ve never been in such a situation in my life; fourteen verses is what they say a sonnet should have, mocking me, the first three already gone.

The Meaning of the First Four Lines

The first four lines of the poem set the stage for the rest of the poem. Fabio is in a difficult position because he has never written a sonnet before, and Violante has tasked him with writing one. The first three lines of the poem mock Fabio, because he is struggling to come up with the right words.

The Next Four Lines

The next four lines of the poem are as follows: Yo pensé que no hallara consonante, y estoy a la mitad de otro cuarteto; mas si me veo en el primer terceto, no hay cosa en los cuartetos que me espante. These lines translate to: I thought I wouldn’t find the right words, and I’m already in the middle of another quatrain; but if I see myself in the first tercet, there’s nothing in the quatrains that frightens me.

The Meaning of the Next Four Lines

These lines show that Fabio is starting to gain confidence in his ability to write a sonnet. He is surprised that he has already written half of another quatrain, and he is not afraid of the quatrains that he has to write.

The Last Six Lines

The last six lines of the poem are as follows: Por el primer terceto voy entrando, y parece que entré con pie derecho, pues fin con este verso le voy dando. Ya estoy en el segundo, y aun sospecho que voy los trece versos acabando; contad si son catorce, y está hecho. These lines translate to: I’m entering the first tercet, and it seems like I’m starting off on the right foot, since I’m finishing with this verse. Now I’m in the second, and I still suspect that I’m finishing the thirteen lines; count if there are fourteen, and it’s done.

The Meaning of the Last Six Lines

These lines show that Fabio has gained confidence in his writing, and he believes that he is on the right track. He is finishing the first tercet with a strong verse, and he believes that he is close to finishing the poem. He challenges the reader to count the lines to see if he has successfully written a sonnet.

The Significance of the Poem

Un Soneto Me Manda Hacer Violante is a classic Spanish poem that is significant because it represents the Spanish Renaissance, which was a period of great cultural growth and artistic expression. The poem is also significant because it shows the struggles of a young man who is tasked with writing a sonnet. The poem is a great representation of the challenges that artists face when trying to express themselves.

The Legacy of the Poem

Un Soneto Me Manda Hacer Violante is a classic Spanish poem that has had a lasting impact on Spanish literature. The poem has been studied and analyzed by scholars for centuries, and it has inspired countless other writers to explore the sonnet form. The poem is a great example of the power of art to inspire and challenge people to express themselves.

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