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Marcha De La ConstitucióN Y La Libertad: A Historic Moment In Spain

Posted by La Historia De Caín Y Abel Resumida on Minggu, 21 Mei 2023

El impacto de la marcha por la Constitución y la Libertad 70 Octubres
El impacto de la marcha por la Constitución y la Libertad 70 Octubres from perio.unlp.edu.ar

The Background

Spain has had a tumultuous political history, especially in the last decade. The rise of separatist movements in Catalonia and the Basque region has led to a lot of political instability. In October 2022, the Spanish parliament dissolved and called for new elections, which led to the formation of a new government. However, this government was not well-received by many Spaniards, who felt that it did not represent their interests. This led to the formation of a movement called "Marcha de la Constitución y la Libertad."

The March

On November 12, 2022, thousands of people gathered in Madrid to participate in the Marcha de la Constitución y la Libertad. The goal of the march was to show support for the Spanish constitution and to push back against the separatist movements. The marchers carried Spanish flags and signs that read "Unidos por la Constitución" (United for the Constitution) and "No a la Separación" (No to Separation).

The Participants

The participants in the march were a diverse group of people from all over Spain. There were young people and old people, families with children, and people from different political parties. The march was a peaceful demonstration of unity and support for the Spanish constitution.

The Impact

The Marcha de la Constitución y la Libertad had a significant impact on Spanish politics. It sent a message to the government that many Spaniards were unhappy with the current political situation and wanted to see a stronger commitment to the Spanish constitution. The march also showed that there was a large and vocal group of people who were against the separatist movements.

The Response

The Spanish government responded to the march by promising to work towards a stronger commitment to the Spanish constitution. They also pledged to work towards a peaceful resolution to the separatist movements in Catalonia and the Basque region. The response was seen as a positive step towards addressing the concerns of the marchers.

The Future

The Marcha de la Constitución y la Libertad was a historic moment in Spanish politics. It showed that there was a strong desire for unity and support for the Spanish constitution. The future of Spain is still uncertain, but the march gave hope that there could be a peaceful resolution to the current political situation.

The Importance of Unity

The march also highlighted the importance of unity in times of political division. The participants showed that despite their differences, they were able to come together for a common cause. This is an important lesson for all Spaniards, and for people around the world.


The Marcha de la Constitución y la Libertad was an important moment in Spanish history. It showed that there was a strong desire for unity and support for the Spanish constitution. The marchers sent a clear message to the government that they wanted to see a stronger commitment to the constitution and a peaceful resolution to the separatist movements. The future of Spain is still uncertain, but the march gave hope that there could be a peaceful and prosperous future for all Spaniards.

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