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Mama Y Papa En IngléS: Learn How To Say Mom And Dad In English

Posted by La Historia De Caín Y Abel Resumida on Sabtu, 01 April 2023

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Ingles Family Image to u from imagetou.com


Learning a new language can be an exciting and challenging experience. As a Spanish speaker, one of the first things you may want to know when learning English is how to say "mama y papa". In this blog post, we will discuss the different ways to say mom and dad in English and provide helpful tips to help you remember them.

Mom in English

In English, there are several ways to refer to your mother. The most common way is to simply use the word "mom". This is the most informal and affectionate way to address your mother. Other ways to say mom include "mum" (British English), "mam" (Northern England, Scotland, and Ireland), and "mommy" (used by children).

Tip: Remembering How to Spell "Mom"

If you are having difficulty remembering how to spell "mom", try thinking of it as an acronym for "mother of mine". This can help you remember the correct spelling.

Dad in English

Just like with "mom", there are several ways to refer to your father in English. The most common way is to use the word "dad". Other ways to say dad include "father" (more formal), "daddy" (used by children), and "pop" (informal).

Tip: Remembering How to Spell "Dad"

If you are having difficulty remembering how to spell "dad", try thinking of it as an acronym for "dearly adored dad". This can help you remember the correct spelling.

Alternate Terms for Mom and Dad

In addition to the common ways to refer to your parents, there are also alternate terms that you may come across. These terms are often used to refer to step-parents or in blended families. Some of the most common alternate terms for mom include "stepmom", "bonus mom", "adoptive mom", and "mother-in-law". For dad, some of the most common alternate terms include "stepdad", "bonus dad", "adoptive dad", and "father-in-law".

Tip: Practice Using Alternate Terms

If you are in a blended family or have step-parents, it can be helpful to practice using these alternate terms. This can help you feel more comfortable using them in everyday conversation.


Learning how to say "mama y papa" in English is an important first step in mastering the language. By using the tips and tricks outlined in this blog post, you can become more comfortable using these terms in everyday conversation. Remember to practice regularly and don't be afraid to make mistakes. With time and practice, you'll be speaking English like a pro!

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